Samia Khadhar-Karoui
Associate Professor, Ph.D
Samia Khadhar Karoui is an associate professor, Doctor in Geological Sciences from the University of Tunis El Manar (2012) and HDR in 2018 in Geochemistry (Organic pollution of water and soil). His research interests include geochemistry, hydrology and solute transport in the unsaturated zone. She also worked on the transfer of emerging pollutants (pharmaceutical residues and pesticides) in the saturated and unsaturated zone and the impact of wastewater irrigation. She has led national and international projects (PRIMA, and bilateral project). She co-organized the 3rd edition of AGIC. She is a member of the editorial boards of certain scientific journals.
Phone: +216 79 325 122
Fax: +216 79 325 802
Adress: Certe Borj Cedria, Tunisia