About Us ?
LGR develops leading edge applied geosciences research to provide scientific development and technical support to the society to solve environmental critical issues under changing conditions including water resources modelling under climate and land use change, water quality assessment, geological, geophysical and geochemical investigation, field monitoring, on-site and remote sensing data acquisition techniques, and hydrological and hydrogeological modelling. The LGR is also organising many scientific events to disseminate recent findings and programs to a wide range of audience. The Atlas Geosciences International Conference (AGIC) is a bi-annual international conference organised by the LGR since 2017 and is being now recognized as a high-scientific level event to discuss recent advances in applied geosciences (AGIC).

Permanent Staff
Doctoral and Master's Students
Various disciplines

For more than 20 years we have been delivering expertise in applied geosciences to public organisations as well as private sectors and industry to support their development in strategic areas. We provide:
- Transfer of knowledge and technologies in various geosciences areas
- Research-oriented products including thematic maps
- Research based guidance and solutions to water management and project development
- Comprehensive environmental data analyses / Remote sensing products
- Local and regional / climate change products
- Water pollution risk mapping products
- Analyses of soil and water quality
- Environmental organic geochemistry
- Smart technologies for surface and groundwater monitoring
- Reservoir geomodel construction using numerical and geostistical methods incorporating facies and petrophysical simulations
- Valorization of geomaterials and their applications in industry
- Organic geochemistry for Source rock evaluation
- Geophysical investigation and mapping
- Geological mapping
Research Facilities And Equipment

Gravity, electric, seismic and electro-magnetic investigations of deep and near surface groundwater tables and Petroleum geologic structures and reservoirs

Geochemical approaches to study organic and inorganic compounds in solid and liquid matrices such as rocks, soils, water in a modern and ancient environment.

Hydrogeology & Hydrology
The art hydrological and hydrogeological models spanning from process-based to Data Driven models.

Climate Change
We perform studies to investigate the impact of climate change on the different facets of the hydrological cycle including the magnitude, timing, and frequencies of the flow.

Geomodeling and Reservoir Characterization
Data analysis and thinking, stratigraphic/facies analysis, Reservoir geomodel construction…

Structural Geology and Tectonics
High-end computers to draw the geological map, generate the tectonic models, and use fault kinematics inversion method.

GIS and Remote Sensing
Making measurements of the earth using sensors on airplanes or satellites. (Sentinel-2, Landsat-8 and Radar)

Geomaterials Valorization
Clays, quartz sands, carbonates and gypsumceramics, pottery, water treatment, eco-construction, thalassotherapy, pharmacy..
The Fifth Atlas Georesources International Congress AGIC 5 «Geosciences and water Security Challenges under Climate Changes » was taken on 8-10 November 2024, Hammamet Tunisia. The conference covered 8 topics and special sessions.
- Groundwater management and surface water monitoring
- Climate change and water
- Water treatment and reuse of non-concentional water
- Pollutant control and Water quality assessment
- NEXUS Water-Food-Energy
- GIS, Remote sensing, and IA applied to water resource
- Hydro-Hazards and Early warning system
- Geological modeling for groundwater exploration
The special sessions:
- REUSE opportunities through Treasure Network
- Groundwater recharge in arid and semi-arid regions with focus on the MENA
- 1st Geosciences and Environment Interdisciplinary Meeting (GEIM)
- Briding the gap between science and society: towards a sustainable water resources management in Cap Bon region, NE Tunisia

- EcoPark Borj Cedria Soliman,Tunisia
- contact@lgr-certe.com.tn
- (+216) 79 325 122 / (+216) 79 325 199
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